Barbara Forseman 0345 Banner

Barb Forseman

Human Resources Specialist

616.454.1751 x114

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Joined the Community Foundation:

Inspirational Quote:

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I’m possible!'

Audrey Hepburn

What Barb does:

As Human Resources Specialist, Barb is responsible for the payroll activities as well as supporting the Human Resouces Manager in daily human resources practices and objectives. She assists the finance department in processing checks. Barb also is responsible in maintaining our building. .

What she did before:

Prior to joining the Foundation, Barb worked in the Finance Department at BDO Seidman. She also has worked as the warehouse manager at D&W’s Floral Distribution Center.

When Barb’s not working:

She enjoys spending time with family. She looks forward to “family fun days” where the whole family, 30 plus members, gets together to play baseball, kickball, or just hang out. These days are usually filled with laughter and allow the adults to become kids again.

A few of Barb's favorite things…

Kids' Food Basket
Place to send out-of-towners:
Local breweries
Place to eat or drink:
At home with family and friends
Part of her job:
The many different hats she gets to wear in this workplace

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