Updates and Insights from the Community Foundation
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2023-2024 Annual Report In a pivotal year, Grand Rapids Community Foundation awarded $16,078,689 in grants to nonprofit partners and scholarships to students. The organization's total assets were stewarded to $448,331,707. Other results and stories from partners are highlighted [...]
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A planned gift is a charitable donation from your will or other portion of your estate, and, for many people, is the largest gift they’ll ever make. But, if the idea of a gift from [...]
The spring issue of Current with new philanthropists, a great story about Linda and Jim Payne's CGA, our grant to make new greenspace in the City of Grand Rapids and more. Click for the PDF.Spring [...]
by Lauretta Murphy, attorney, Miller Johnson Benjamin Franklin famously said: "In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes." Two types of taxes may apply to your property after you [...]
2017 Special Edition Planned Giving
This year marks 15 years for the Nonprofit Technical Assistance (NPTA) Fund. This Fund represents a broad collaboration that has included 14 Grand Rapids-area funders. Since its inception, the NPTA Fund has awarded over $2.3M [...]
It isn’t often that there is an opportunity to create a significant green space in a growing community. And as Grand Rapids continues to the lead the state in population and housing growth, there remains [...]
Caring for our community and the people who live here is part of our DNA as Grand Rapidians. When we see a need, we do something to address it. More often than not, our approach [...]
Earlier this week it was Giving Tuesday and Grand Rapids social media was all a buzz with giving promotion and nonprofit endorsements. Even if you don’t “do” Facebook, you might have received an email or [...]
Insight by Jessica Ledesma, Challenge Scholars Assistant I could never describe what it felt like to “not belong” until my junior year of high school when I was invited to attend a Rotary luncheon featuring [...]
In her State of the City address, Mayor Rosalyn Bliss called attention to a citywide goal of achieving 40 percent tree canopy as core to our city’s environmental sustainability and her work as mayor. In [...]
This year, Grand Rapids Community Foundation awarded 630 scholarships to students and awards totaled $1,148,150. “We are pleased to be able to award over $1 million for the third consecutive year,” said Grand Rapids Community [...]
“Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” What Benjamin Franklin was describing is what we now call experiential learning. Today marks my last day as Grand [...]