
Updates and Insights from the Community Foundation

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  • Partners in Community, spring/summer 2024
    Partners in Community, spring/summer 2024
    The spring/summer issue of PARTNERS in community, a magazine by Grand Rapids Community Foundation, is here for you to read and enjoy! Our "How We Give" series continues with donor partner and Metz Legacy Society [...]
  • Support for Students: Scholarships and much more
    Support for Students: Scholarships and much more
    As a community foundation, we strive for a vibrant community where all people can apply their talents and creativity to fuel our future. We believe education is a key that unlocks these possibilities. In recent [...]
All Posts
  • Posted on November 17, 2015

    From Our Annual Report: Bev Drake, Ruth Lumpkins and Betty Burton Groce
    Whether for economic, educational or healthcare justice, these three friends have strong feelings about removing barriers, providing access and creating opportunities for people in our community. Coming from diverse career backgrounds—job training, education and business—Bev [...]
  • Posted on November 17, 2015

    From Our Annual Report: Rick Gillett
    Rick Gillett is long time philanthropist and advocate for the children of Grand Rapids and is passionate about their growth and development. “We feel so strongly for the Grand Rapids community and its children and [...]
  • Posted on November 17, 2015

    From Our Annual Report: Ken and Judy Betz
    Understanding all of the factors that influence success in education, Ken and Judy Betz were early major donors to Grand Rapids Community Foundation’s Challenge Scholars program. “It’s not just about the scholarship,” Judy said. [...]
  • Posted on November 17, 2015

    From Our Annual Report: Christina and Andy Keller
    For Christina and Andy Keller, their work values and philanthropy values are braided. “I think about giving as I do business—through the lens of the triple bottom line—which means maximizing value along three areas: people, [...]
  • Posted on October 23, 2015

    Armen Oumedian Receives Philanthropy Award
    On Friday, October 23, 2015 Grand Rapids Community Foundation will have its annual donor celebration and present the Jack Chaille Community Philanthropy Award to Armen Oumedian, retired senior Vice President of Rapistan. Oumedian and his [...]
  • Posted on September 24, 2015

    Toward a Racism-Free Grand Rapids
    In July I was on a panel hosted by Partners for a Racism-Free Community. The organization’s vision is a community where racial and ethnic disparities are eliminated so all people are accepted and included as [...]
  • Posted on September 16, 2015

    Scholarships for Success
    Since 1945, thanks to hundreds of donors and community members who believe in making college a reality for Kent County students, we've awarded more than $12.9 million in scholarships. In 2015, 56% of scholarship recipients [...]
  • Posted on September 15, 2015

    One Hundred New Philanthropists: Linsey Gleason
    As an estate planning attorney with Varnum Law, Linsey Gleason is a passionate philanthropist who wants to create solutions. Her understanding of the challenges older adults face motivates her charitable contributions to Senior Neighbors, [...]
  • Posted on September 08, 2015

    One Hundred New Philanthropists: Mark Breon
    For Mark Breon, giving back is at the core of who he is and what he believes in. “For as long as I can remember, my parents have given back and empowered others to [...]